General FAQs
What is SATCo?
SATCo is the Student Alternative Theatre Company! We produce theatrical productions that are entirely student led. Our board is made of students at UVic who help create opportunities for emerging theatre artists to have their work produced for an audience. For more information about our structure and our mandate, check out our About SATCo page.
How can I get involved in SATCo?
If you’re a UVic student and looking to work with SATCo, there are a number of ways you can get involved. Check out our Facebook page and Instagram (@uvicsatco) for updates about calls for submissions, if you are a playwright, director, designer, or stage manager, as well as for audition calls for our seasons. We sometimes post on our social media if we have positions available on the board of SATCo as well, so keep your eyes peeled if you’d like to help us organize and manage our seasons and productions.
We also have our year reps; these board positions are elected positions that you can run for, so long as you are a student at UVic. Year reps are elected every two years and are the key point of communication between SATCo and their respective years. If you have any more questions about ways in which you can get involved in SATCo, feel free to reach out to your year rep (who can be found on our About SATCo page) or send an email to [email protected].
When is a typical SATCo season?
SATCo typically produces two seasons each school year: one in the fall semester and one in the spring semester. Each season usually has 3 shows, so there are plenty of opportunities to get involved in design, technical work, and acting.
Where can I watch SATCo shows?
Normally, our shows are performed at lunch in the Barbara MacIntyre Studio located at the Phoenix building on UVic’s campus. If you enter through the front doors of the building, signs will guide you to the MacIntyre Studio.
How do I get tickets?
Tickets are by cash donation and can typically be purchased in the lobby of the MacIntyre Studio before the start of a show. The recommended donation is $5.